How can I make sure that participants of my online training are really feeling engaged & motivated?
You must have experienced it yourself when you followed a training! You are distracted by your phone, by the notifications of your mail, by all the to-do-things, … Or when a long video is shown, after a while you do not pay attention any more.
👉 After 7-9 minutes of no interaction, engagement drops rapidly. When a participant is really eager to learn, the engagement-factor is higher.
But how can you, as a trainer, keep the engagement-level high?
Let me tell you about the 3 important ingredients:🌟Motivation 🌟 Interaction 🌟 Reflection.
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👉 Engage from the beginning and make them feel welcome.
First of all, people want to feel welcomed. Welcoming people is fun and is a skill you can learn. During the welcome, it is also a good time to share some practical guidelines for during the session.
👉 Grasp their attention by starting strong.
Make your introduction something fun, something that attracts attention and introduces it to the subject. A strong intro motivates people to engage for the session.
👉 Keep eye contact.
👉 Bring clarity.
It must be clear to all participants what they can expect from the training. You already did this in the communication when announcing the webinar but you can repeat this. This prevents a participant from dropping out because your session does not meet expectations. It is important to repeat this in the beginning of your session. If people feel motivated to learn, they will engage.
🤙More practical tips, tricks and examples? Download the e-book : People cannot concentrate for long. After 7-9 minutes of no interaction, engagement drops rapidly. That brings us to the next ingredient:
👉 Provide variety in your interaction.
Use a short video, pictures, audio and a PowerPoint with more visuals than text.
Ask questions, make use of polls and anotations.
Yes, it is possible: collaboration in a virtual classroom. You can divide the participants in groups and assign every group to a classroom. In the classroom, you can put up materials, video’s and assignments.
🤙 More tips and tricks? Download the e-book :
👉 Ask the right questions.
You can let your audience reflect on the why, what, how of your topic.
They can answer your questions or poll by raising hands virtually, via the chat or using the feedback buttons. Ask questions, share real-life examples, …
👉 Make them experience.
Reflection also starts by letting people experience something. You can’t learn to play the guitar just by explaining it. Practice makes craft.
Ask them how it was? What did they experience? What would they do differently next time? How would they do it?
👉 Allow questions from the participants.
Encourage them to ask questions about the topics and make time to answer them.
👉 Summary and call to action.
As important as a strong start is a strong ending. Let your participants reflect on the session, the topic. An example is to let them summarize what they have learned in 1 to 3 sentences.
An important closure is your call-to-action: what is each individual going to do after this session? How does this relate with his individual goal from the beginning?
👉 If you manage to combine these three ingredients, your training is successful.
Don't be put off by the technique.
🤙 Join our mentor boost program or some of our shorter sessions to engage with other people with the same goals and learn tips, tricks and tools:
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🤙More tips and tricks on online sessions? Download the e-book :
🤙More tips and tricks on adult learning? Download the e-book :
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Good luck! Hope to see you soon! Learning from and with each other.
An De Boelpaep
Talent for Talent
Lifelong learning is my passion